Full First Year Earnings from My Dividend Portfolio Revealed | December 2021

I am kicking myself as I write this article for not being able to do this article on time. What this means is that I was not able to capture the market value of my Canadian dividend portfolio exactly on December 31, 2021. I know this barely matters for an income-focused investment portfolio, but it would have been complete with the gains/losses in the total value of my investments.

Moving on… December 2021 marks the first year anniversary of my dividend investment journey. This is a pretty exciting milestone as I get to evaluate everything I have done over the past year. It feels like yesterday when I deposited my first $100 into this portfolio. I had two holdings and an unregistered account Wealthsimple Trade.

Fast forward one year, my dividend portfolio has grown to almost $14,000 and invested in both TFSA and RRSP accounts. This is pretty huge considering that I only planned to invest $100/month in the beginning.

Canadian Dividend Portfolio Value: Dec 2021

This is where I get stuck for not knowing the exact market value of my portfolio at the end of December 2021. However, I do know that the market value overall was down. This was mainly due to one of my growth stocks taking a massive hit for about 40% of its value at my entry price.

Several other companies also had taken a hit; Keyera Corporation and Pembina Pipeline. Both of these are OG dividend stocks I hold in my portfolio and have no intention of selling anytime soon.

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Canadian Dividend Portfolio holdings: December 2021

I was able to invest an additional $800 to my dividend portfolio in the month of December 2021. All of this went into my RRSP account which still had room left. I was able to add three new holdings to the portfolio and increase the bag on some holdings I already had.

Below are all my holdings as of December 31, 2021.

CompanyTickerNo. of SharesPurchase PriceTotal Value at Cost
Keyera Corp.KEY79$32.17$2,541.31
Pembina Pipeline Corp.PPL26$31.04$1,067.04
Enbridge Inc.ENB20$49.55$991.00
North-West Health Prop REITNWH.UN66$13.16$868.35
Timbercreek FinancialTF163$9.59$1,562.58
Newport Exploration LtdNWX1,625$0.46$748.85
Pizza Pizza Royalty Corp.PZA179$11.30$2,022.49
Canoe EIT Income FundEIT.UN82$12.49$1,024.18
BMO Canadian High Dividend Covered Call ETFZWC31$18.66$578.32
Vanguard S&P 500 Index ETFVFV11$101.03$1,114.44
Bank of MontrealBMO2$138.68$277.36
Vision LithiumVLI1110$0.18$199.80
Standard LithiumSLI10$11.07$110.70
CloudMD SoftwareDOC.V607$1.97$1,198.47

As you can see, I added some lithium stocks to my portfolio during the month. These stocks have nothing to do with dividends at the moment. However, the lithium industry is likely on the verge of a massive boom courtesy of the electric vehicle revolution coming soon. So, it made sense to dip into some of these companies now. I might add more lithium stocks in the near future.

On top of this, I was able to keep some of the dividend snowballs rolling forward as well. for example, I added 1 share of Keyera Corp., 1 share of North-West Health Property REIT, 1 share of Timbercreek Financial, 2 shares of Pizza Pizza Royalty Corp., and 1 share of Canoe EIT Income Fund using the dividend income I received in the month. So, essentially, my money has started working for me, slowly but surely!

Dividend Income update: December 2021

This part is what I’m most excited about in the monthly portfolio update posts. I have hit some major milestones during this one year of investments in my portfolio. One of the main ones is almost a $50/month income target. I consistently hit about $45/month in income from this portfolio. However, quarter ends are special.

So, December 2021 marked the highest-ever income in my Canadian dividend portfolio. I was able to hit the magical $100/month income in December. This is a major milestone for any income investor.

This is the breakdown of my monthly dividend income for the entire year of 2021.

CompanyJan 21Feb 21Mar 21April 21May 21June 21July 21Aug 21Sept 21Oct 21Nov 21Dec 21Total
Keyera Corp.$0.64$0.64$0.64$0.64$0.64$0.64$0.64$4.80$12.16$12.32$12.32 $12.32$58.4
Manulife Fin. Corp.$1.12$1.12$2.24
Pembina Pipeline$0.63$0.63$0.63$0.63$0.63$0.63$0.63$5.25$5.25$5.25$5.46$5.46$31.0
Shaw Comm.$0.40$0.40$0.40$0.40$0.40$0.40$0.40$2.79
Canadian Ut.$1.32$1.32
Enbridge Inc.$1.67$16.7$16.7$35.0
North-West REIT$0.07$0.07$0.07$0.07$4.33$4.33$4.33$4.33$4.33$21.9
E Split Corp (A)$0.91$1.17$1.30$3.38
Timbercreek Financial$0.69$0.69$6.04$7.71$9.26$9.26$9.23$42.8
Dividend 15 Split Corp.$1.20$1.20$2.40
Canoe EIT$1.7$8.0$9.70
Newport Exp.$22.7$32.5$55.2
Pizza Pizza$10.62$10.62$10.62$31.8
BMO High Div ETF$0.60$2.6$3.2

So, $101 in the month and $301 in the entire year of 2021. This is a very good performance that I’m proud to boast about. However, not all investments have started yielding fully yet. So, 2022 is going to be amazing.

My dividend income represents about a 5.3% yield per annum, which is very good.

At this rate, I should be seeing about a $700 dividend income in the year 2022, i.e. $14,000 * 5% yield. However, it will likely be more as I would keep on adding more money and my dividend snowballs will start rolling faster.

So far, I’m really happy with how things are going in my dividend portfolio. I will be divesting towards growth stocks in the future as well.

Let us hear your achievements in 2021 in the comments below.
